StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Tails, ODRs & ROCdiv...OH MY !!!<< 1 ... 27 28 29 30 31 ... 52 >>Post Follow-up
4,750 posts
msg #96286
Ignore Eman93
9/16/2010 12:44:25 AM

Alf will you hold if we bust up to test SPX1050 --

2,025 posts
msg #96288
Ignore alf44
9/16/2010 1:14:41 AM

"E93" ... you obviously intended to say "1150" (not 1050) I correct !?!?


If so ... not sure I would care to tolerate that much "pain" ! (ie. 1150 on the ^SPX)


FWIW ... a "decisive" break ABOVE ... the ^SPX 1130 area ... would prolly have me seriously reconsidering this "SHORT" trade !!!

2,025 posts
msg #96289
Ignore alf44
9/16/2010 1:39:06 AM



Today ... we NEVER traded ABOVE yesterday's HIGH [ie. ^SPX, ^NYA (NYSE) , ^RUT] !!!

SO ... the "BULLS" ... still need to show me something ... before I go gettin' all "squeamish" and ____ !!!


I mean REALLY !!!

650 posts
msg #96292
Ignore mystiq
9/16/2010 3:16:52 AM

**i did a debug on the filter on the first page & this syntax error will not go away**-->set{HLrng50, HLrng * .50}

Filter Text Syntax Match Results
/* Tails, ODRs and ROCdiv */

/* Tails */

/* Bottoming Tails */

/* Consecutive Down Days */
set{daysClose_Down, days(Close above Close 1 day ago,100)} OK

set{RangeA, High - Low} OK
set{MinCloOp, min(Close,Open)} OK
set{TailRngA, MinCloOp - Low} OK
set{TailRatioA, TailRngA / RangeA} OK

set{Tail_A, count(daysClose_Down 1 day ago above 1, 1)} OK
set{Tail_B, count(Low is below MinCloOp, 1)} OK
set{Tail_C, count(TailRatioA is above .50, 1)} OK
set{Tail_D, count(Close below EMA(10) , 1)} OK
set{Tail_1, Tail_A * Tail_B} OK
set{Tail_2, Tail_1 * Tail_C} OK
set{TailBot, Tail_2 * Tail_D} OK
/* ---------- */

/* Topping Tails */

/* Consecutive Up Days */
set{daysClose_Up, days(Close below Close 1 day ago,100)} OK

set{RangeAA, High - Low} OK
set{MaxCloOp, max(Close,Open)} OK
set{TailRngAA, High - MaxCloOp} OK
set{TailRatioAA, TailRngAA / RangeAA} OK

set{Tail_AA, count(daysClose_Up 1 day ago above 1, 1)} OK
set{Tail_BB, count(High is above MaxCloOp, 1)} OK
set{Tail_CC, count(TailRatioAA is above .50, 1)} OK
set{Tail_DD, count(Close above EMA(10), 1)} OK
set{Tail_11, Tail_AA * Tail_BB} OK
set{Tail_22, Tail_11 * Tail_CC} OK
set{TailTop, Tail_22 * Tail_DD} OK
/* ---------- */

/* Tails Top OR Bottom */
set{Tail_topORbot, TailBot + TailTop} OK
/* ---------- */

/* 20 Day High/Low Breakout Check (20hilo) */

/* 20 day HIGH */
set{20dayhi, count(High reached a new 20 day High, 1 )} OK

/* 20 day LOW */
set{20daylo, count(Low reached a new 20 day Low, 1)} OK

/* 20 day HIGH or LOW */
set{20day_hiORlo, 20dayhi + 20daylo } OK
/* ---------- */

/* Consecutive days Close either Above(+) or Below(-) the EMA(10) --> (..10^) */
set{daysCloseAbove10, days(Close below EMA(10) 1 day ago,100)} OK
set{daysCloseBelow10, days(Close above EMA(10) 1 day ago,100)} OK
set{daysClosecurdir10, daysCloseAbove10 - daysCloseBelow10} OK

/* Consecutive days Close either Up(+) or Down(-) --> (..clo^) */
set{daysCloseUp, days(Close below Close 1 day ago,100)} OK
set{daysCloseDown, days(Close above Close 1 day ago,100)} OK
set{daysClosecurdir, daysCloseUp - daysCloseDown} OK

/* Consecutive days LOWS either Up(+) or Down(-) --> (..lo^) */
set{daysLOWSUp, days(Low below Low 1 day ago,100)} OK
set{daysLOWSDown, days(Low above Low 1 day ago,100)} OK
set{daysLOWScurdir, daysLOWSUp - daysLOWSDown} OK

/* Consecutive days HIGHS either Up(+) or Down(-) --> (..hi^) */
set{daysHIGHSUp, days(High below High 1 day ago,100)} OK
set{daysHIGHSDown, days(High above High 1 day ago,100)} OK
set{daysHIGHScurdir, daysHIGHSUp - daysHIGHSDown} OK
/* ---------- */

/* Day Position Calculation (..dp) */
set{Range1a, High - Low} OK
set{CloLodiffa, Close - Low} OK
set{dayposclo, CloLodiffa / Range1a} OK
/* ---------- */

/* One Day Reversal (odr) (5 Day H / L w/Up or Down Close Above/Below 50% Day Position) */

/* ODR 50% Day Position Calculation */
set{HLrng, High - Low} OK
>>>>>>>>>>Error: Syntax error in filter. <<<<<<<<<<<<<
set{DP50, Low + HLrng50} OK

/* ODR UP */
set{5daylo, count(Low reached a new 5 day Low, 1)} OK
set{ODR_UpClo, count(Close is above DP50, 1)} OK
set{ODR_Up, 5daylo * ODR_UpClo} OK

/* ODR DOWN */
set{5dayhi, count(High reached a new 5 day High, 1 )} OK
set{ODR_DwnClo, count(Close is below DP50, 1)} OK
set{ODR_Dwn, 5dayhi * ODR_DwnClo} OK

/* ODR UP or DOWN */
set{ODR_upORdwn, ODR_Up + ODR_Dwn} OK
/* ---------- */


/* ROC(2) Divergence (.div) (3 Day H / L with a one day ROC2 pos/neg divergence with Close) */

/* ROC(2) Bullish Divergence Calculation */
set{3daylo, count(Low reached a new 3 day Low, 1)} OK
set{ROCdivpos1, count(ROC(2) above ROC(2) 1 day ago, 1)} OK
set{ROCdivpos2, count(ROC(2) 1 day ago below ROC(2) 2 days ago, 1)} OK
set{ROCbulldiv1, 3daylo * ROCdivpos1} OK
set{ROCbulldiv2, ROCbulldiv1 * ROCdivpos2} OK

/* ROC(2) Bearish Divergence Calculation*/
set{3dayhi, count(High reached a new 3 day High, 1)} OK
set{ROCdivneg1, count(ROC(2) below ROC(2) 1 day ago, 1)} OK
set{ROCdivneg2, count(ROC(2) 1 day ago above ROC(2) 2 days ago, 1)} OK
set{ROCbeardiv1, 3dayhi * ROCdivneg1} OK
set{ROCbeardiv2, ROCbeardiv1 * ROCdivneg2} OK

/* ROC(2) Bullish OR Bearish Divergence */
set{ROCbullORbeardiv, ROCbulldiv2 + ROCbeardiv2} OK
/* ---------- */

/* ROC2 Pivot (rocpiv) */

/* ROC2 Pivot Calculation --> (Closing price (tomorrow) that will either maintain the current direction of the ROC(2) indicator...OR...turn it in the other direction) */

set{ROCpivA, Close - Close 2 days ago} OK
set{ROCpiv, ROCpivA + Close 1 day ago} OK
/* ---------- */

/* ROC2 Momentum (roc^) */

/* ROC2 Momentum Calculation --> Days ROC2 either Up(+) or Down(-) */
set{daysROCup, days(ROC(2) below ROC(2) 1 day ago,100)} OK
set{daysROCdwn, days(ROC(2) above ROC(2) 1 day ago,100)} OK
set{dayscurdir, daysROCup - daysROCdwn} OK
/* ---------- */

/* NR7s (nr.7) (Narrowist Range of the last 7 days) */
set{NR7, count(Day Point Range reached a new 7 day Low, 1)} OK

/* ---------- */

/* Doji (doji) (H / L Rng above .20 w/Candle Body less than 30% of H / L Rng) */
set{HiLoRng, High - Low} OK
set{ClOpRng, abs(Close minus Open)} OK
set{ClOp_HiLo_ratio, ClOpRng / HiLoRng} OK
set{Range, count(HiLoRng is above .20, 1)} OK
set{Body, count(ClOp_HiLo_ratio is less than .30, 1)} OK
set{doji, Range * Body} OK

/* ---------- */

/* Bang For The Buck */

/* A check to see which stocks move the most intra-day ...WRT TO SHARE PRICE ---> HIGHER the Bang...the MORE VOLATILE the stock (just an interesting thing to know - imo) */

/* 30 Day Average Daily Range check */
set{30DayRngSum, sum(Day Point Range, 30)} OK
set{30AvgDayRng, 30DayRngSum / 30} OK

/* 60 Day Average Daily Range check */
set{60DayRngSum, sum(Day Point Range, 60)} OK
set{60AvgDayRng, 60DayRngSum / 60} OK

/* 90 Day Average Daily Range check */
set{90DayRngSum, sum(Day Point Range, 90)} OK
set{90AvgDayRng, 90DayRngSum / 90} OK

/* 30/60/90 Day Average Daily Range check */
set{3060AvgDayRngSum, 30AvgDayRng + 60AvgDayRng} OK
set{306090AvgDayRngSum, 3060AvgDayRngSum + 90AvgDayRng} OK
set{306090AvgDayRng, 306090AvgDayRngSum / 3} OK

/* Bang for the Buck check */
set{Bangratio, 306090AvgDayRng / Close} OK
set{Bangpercent, Bangratio * 100} OK
/* ---------- */

/* Pattern Fetcher */

set{X, Tail_topORbot * 1 } OK
set{Y, ODR_upORdwn * 1} OK
set{Z, ROCbullORbeardiv * 1} OK

set{XY, X + Y} OK
set{XYZ, XY + Z} OK
/* ---------- */

/* Technical Indicators */

/* Defining myOSC(3,8) Indicator */
set{myOSC, EMA(3) - EMA(8)} OK

/* Defining trend(13) of myOSC(3,8) Indicator */
set{myOSCtrend, CEMA(myOSC,13)} OK

/* Defining my ROC(2) Indicator */
set{myROC, ROC(2)} OK

/*Chikou Span - today's Close displaced 26 day's backward */
set{Chikou, DMA(1,-26)} OK

/*Kijun-Sen - 26 day average of price's Highest HIGH & Lowest LOW */
set{diff26KS, high 26 day high + low 26 day low} OK
set{Kijun, diff26KS / 2} OK
/* ---------- */

/* Symbol Selection */

Show stocks where XYZ is above 0 OK 22.6%

Market is NASDAQ 100 OK 0.22%
/* ---------- */

/* Columns */

add column separator OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column RSI(2) {r2} OK 0.22%
add column Slow Stochastic Fast %K(8, 1) {%K} OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column 20day_hiORlo {20hilo} OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column daysClosecurdir10 {...10^} OK 0.22%
add column daysClosecurdir {..clo^} OK 0.22%
add column daysLOWScurdir {..lo^} OK 0.22%
add column daysHIGHScurdir {..hi^} OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column dayposclo {..dp} OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column NR7 {nr.7} OK 0.22%
add column doji OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column Tail_topORbot {tail} OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column ODR_upORdwn {odr} OK 0.22%
add column ROCbullORbeardiv {div} OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column dayscurdir {ROC^} OK 0.22%
add column ROCpiv {ROCpiv} OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column Bangpercent {Bang} OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%
add column separator OK 0.22%

/* Indicators */

/* just an FYI on the EMAs (think about it) ... 10 day EMAs = 2 week EMAs / 150 day EMAs = 30 week EMAs */

draw indicator EMA(10) OK 0.22%
draw Kijun on plot price OK 0.22%
draw Chikou on plot price OK 0.22%
draw Parabolic SAR OK 0.22%
draw EMA(150) OK 0.22%

draw indicator CEMA(myOSCtrend, 1) OK 0.22%
draw CEMA(myOSCtrend, 1) line at 0 OK 0.22%

draw indicator CEMA(myROC, 1) OK 0.22%
draw CEMA(myROC, 1) line at 0 OK 0.22%

draw indicator Slow Stochastic Fast %K (8,1) OK 0.22%
draw Slow Stochastic Fast %K (8,1) line at 20 OK 0.22%
draw Slow Stochastic Fast %K (8,1) line at 80 OK 0.22%

do not draw xyz OK 0.22%

chart-time is 55 days OK 0.22%
sort column 26 descending OK 0.22%

650 posts
msg #96293
Ignore mystiq
9/16/2010 3:20:58 AM

set{HLrng50, HLrng * .50} changed to set{HLrng50, HLrng * 0.50}

resolved the problem. [added the zero before the decimal]

650 posts
msg #96294
Ignore mystiq
9/16/2010 3:37:43 AM

/* ROC2 Pivot ("rocpiv") */

/* ROC2 Pivot Calculation --> (Closing price (tomorrow) that will either maintain the current direction of the ROC(2) indicator...OR...turn it in the other direction) */

set{ROCpivA, Close - Close 2 days ago}
set{ROCpiv, ROCpivA + Close 1 day ago}
/* ---------- */

when the ROCpiv is higher then the current close and ROC trending down, does this mean prices "should" rise?

2,025 posts
msg #96295
Ignore alf44
9/16/2010 10:40:14 AM

"syntax error" ???


WTF are you talking about ?

Would appreciate it if you didn't clutter up this thread with this kind of ________!

Thankyou in advance !

189 posts
msg #96304
Ignore fortyfour
9/16/2010 5:25:51 PM


4,599 posts
msg #96305
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
9/16/2010 5:43:26 PM

Not sure I agree with that idea - these forums are for open discussion.

The filter posted by Alf "appeared" to have an error in it - where else would you post that? Even Alf should agree that the above action was appropriate.

Not a big fan of censorship.

4,750 posts
msg #96307
Ignore Eman93
9/16/2010 6:41:57 PM

yea 1150 it was late..


StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Tails, ODRs & ROCdiv...OH MY !!!<< 1 ... 27 28 29 30 31 ... 52 >>Post Follow-up

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