StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Run Forest, Run<< 1 2 3 4 5 ... 57 >>Post Follow-up
6,411 posts
msg #56077
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/27/2007 12:42:18 PM

I am editing this first post and adding in the filters I like to use.

/* Run Forest, Run */

close is between 1 and 15
avg volume(90) above 50000

set{volcnt, count(volume above 50000, 100) }
set{volzero, count(volume equal 0, 100) }

set{x1, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, x1/open }

set{C1A, count(Long_Profit > .04 , 100)}
set{C2A, count(Long_Profit > .09, 100)}
set{C0010, C1A - C2A}

set{D1A, count(Long_Profit > .09 , 100)}
set{D2A, count(Long_Profit > .19, 100)}
set{D1020, D1A - D2A}

set{E1A, count(Long_Profit > .19 , 100)}
set{E2A, count(Long_Profit > .29, 100)}
set{E2030, E1A - E2A}

set{F1A, count(Long_Profit > .29 , 100)}
set{F2A, count(Long_Profit > .39, 100)}
set{F3040, F1A - F2A}

set{G1A, count(Long_Profit > .39 , 100)}
set{G2A, count(Long_Profit > .49, 100)}
set{G4050, G1A - G2A}

set{H1A, count(Long_Profit > .49 , 100)}
set{H2A, count(Long_Profit > .99, 100)}
set{H50100, H1A - H2A}

set{I100, count(Long_Profit > .99 , 100)}

add column Long_Profit {ProfitPct}

and add column C0010 {4_9}
and add column D1020 {10_19}
and add column E2030 {20_29}
and add column F3040 {30_39}
and add column G4050 {40_49}
and add column H50100 {50_99}
and add column I100 {100}

and add column volcnt
and add column volzero
sort column 7 descending

I was hanging out in Muddy's chat room this week. Muddy's a master at selecting and trading stocks that run..."Day Runners".

The "Run Forest, Run" filter shows how many times a stock ran a certain percentage over the last 100 days.

Column 04_09 is the number of times high minus open is between 4% and 9%.

Column 10_19 is the number of times high minus open is between 10% and 19%.


The VolCnt column shows how many days the stock traded above 50,000 shares. This helps identify thinly traded issues.

The VolZero column shows how many days the stock traded 0 shares. This also helps identify thinly traded issues.

end original post
additions follow below

/* Long Profit Percent Statistics Display */

set{xRange, high - low}
set{AvgRng, cma(xRange,5) }
set{HiOp, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, HiOp/open }

set{B10A, count(Long_Profit > .10 , 100)}

set{A10A, count(Long_Profit > .10 , 1)}
set{chg, sum( A10A - A10A 1 day ago ,5)}

and add column B10A {GT10%}
and add column AvgRng

add column chg{(wk)}
add column chg 1 week ago{(-1wk)}
add column chg 2 weeks ago{(-2wk)}
add column chg 3 weeks ago{(-3wk)}
add column chg 4 weeks ago{(-4wk)}
add column chg 5 weeks ago{(-5wk)}
add column chg 6 weeks ago{(-6wk)}
add column chg 7 weeks ago{(-7wk)}
add column chg 8 weeks ago{(-8wk)}
and add column separator
add column industry
add column sector
and add column separator


B10A above 10
close above 1
avg volume(90) above 500000

sort column 5 descending


set{xRange, high - low}
set{AvgRng, cma(xRange,5) }

set{HiOp, High - Open }
set{RunPCT, HiOp/open }
set{AvgRun5, cma(RunPCT,5) }
set{AvgRun20, cma(RunPCT,20) }

set{HiCl, High - Close }
set{PBPCT, HiCl/open }
set{AvgPB5, cma(PBPCT,5) }
set{AvgPB20, cma(PBPCT,20) }

set{ClLo, Close - low }
set{BouncePCT, ClLo/open }
set{AvgBounce5, cma(BouncePCT,5) }
set{AvgBounce20, cma(BouncePCT,20) }

set{OpLo, Open - low}
set{DropPCT, OpLo/open }
set{AvgDrop5, cma(DropPCT,5) }
set{AvgDrop20, cma(DropPCT,20) }

set{Green, count( close > open , 100)}

set{B10A, count(RunPCT > .10 , 100)}

set{A10A, count(RunPCT > .10 , 1)}
set{chg, sum( A10A - A10A 1 day ago ,5)}

and add column separator
add column RunPCT{R(today)}

add column PBPCT{P(today)}

add column DropPCT{D(today)}

add column BouncePCT{B(today)}

and add column separator
and add column AvgRun5
and add column AvgDrop5
and add column AvgBounce5
and add column AvgPB5
and add column AvgRun20
and add column AvgDrop20
and add column AvgBounce20
and add column AvgPB20


B10A above 10

close is between 1 and 15
avg volume(10) above 1000000

sort column 1 Ascending



set{xRange, high - low}
set{AvgRng, cma(xRange,5) }

set{HiOp, High - Open }
set{RunPCT, HiOp}
set{AvgRun5, cma(RunPCT,5) }
set{AvgRun20, cma(RunPCT,20) }

set{HiCl, High - Close }
set{PBPCT, HiCl}
set{AvgPB5, cma(PBPCT,5) }
set{AvgPB20, cma(PBPCT,20) }

set{ClLo, Close - low }
set{BouncePCT, ClLo }
set{AvgBounce5, cma(BouncePCT,5) }
set{AvgBounce20, cma(BouncePCT,20) }

set{OpLo, Open - low}
set{DropPCT, OpLo }
set{AvgDrop5, cma(DropPCT,5) }
set{AvgDrop20, cma(DropPCT,20) }

set{Green, count( close > open , 100)}

set{B10A, count(RunPCT > .10 , 100)}

set{A10A, count(RunPCT > .10 , 1)}
set{chg, sum( A10A - A10A 1 day ago ,5)}

and add column separator
add column RunPCT{R(today)}

add column PBPCT{P(today)}

add column DropPCT{D(today)}

add column BouncePCT{B(today)}

and add column separator
and add column AvgRun5
and add column AvgDrop5
and add column AvgBounce5
and add column AvgPB5
and add column AvgRun20
and add column AvgDrop20
and add column AvgBounce20
and add column AvgPB20



sort column 1 Ascending


set{xRange, high - low}
set{AvgRng, cma(xRange,5) }
set{HiOp, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, HiOp/open }

set{B10A, count(Long_Profit > .10 , 100)}

set{A10A, count(Long_Profit > .10, 1)}
set{chg, sum( A10A - A10A 1 day ago ,5)}

set{LastPop, days(Long_Profit > .10, 100)}

and add column B10A {GT10%}
and add column LastPop
and add column AvgRng

add column chg{(wk)}
add column chg 1 week ago{(-1wk)}
add column chg 2 weeks ago{(-2wk)}
add column chg 3 weeks ago{(-3wk)}
add column chg 4 weeks ago{(-4wk)}
add column chg 5 weeks ago{(-5wk)}
add column chg 6 weeks ago{(-6wk)}
add column chg 7 weeks ago{(-7wk)}
add column chg 8 weeks ago{(-8wk)}
and add column separator
add column industry
add column sector
and add column separator


RSI(2) below 25

close is between 1 and 15
avg volume(10) above 1000000

sort column 5 descending

6,411 posts
msg #56078
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/27/2007 1:09:32 PM

/* Run Forest, Run - picky selection criteria*/

set{volcnt, count(volume above 1000000, 100) }
set{volzero, count(volume equal 0, 100) }

set{x1, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, x1/open }

set{C1A, count(Long_Profit > .04 , 100)}
set{C2A, count(Long_Profit > .09, 100)}
set{C0010, C1A - C2A}

set{D1A, count(Long_Profit > .09 , 100)}
set{D2A, count(Long_Profit > .19, 100)}
set{D1020, D1A - D2A}

set{E1A, count(Long_Profit > .19 , 100)}
set{E2A, count(Long_Profit > .29, 100)}
set{E2030, E1A - E2A}

set{F1A, count(Long_Profit > .29 , 100)}
set{F2A, count(Long_Profit > .39, 100)}
set{F3040, F1A - F2A}

set{G1A, count(Long_Profit > .39 , 100)}
set{G2A, count(Long_Profit > .49, 100)}
set{G4050, G1A - G2A}

set{H1A, count(Long_Profit > .49 , 100)}
set{H2A, count(Long_Profit > .99, 100)}
set{H50100, H1A - H2A}

set{I100, count(Long_Profit > .99 , 100)}

add column Long_Profit {ProfitPct}

and add column C0010 {4_9}
and add column D1020 {10_19}
and add column E2030 {20_29}
and add column F3040 {30_39}
and add column G4050 {40_49}
and add column H50100 {50_99}
and add column I100 {100}

and add column volcnt
and add column volzero

/* selection criteria */
martket is nasdaq
close above 1
average volume(90) above 1000000
C0010 above 20

sort column 7 descending

This version has "picky" selection criteria.

C0010 above 20 means that you can make 4% or better more than 20% of the time.

724 posts
msg #56108
Ignore 13th_floor
10/28/2007 12:26:12 PM


Thank you,thank you.
These 2 filters are awesome.
Had I had these 2 years ago I would have saved literally a few hundred hours charting for the "runners".

These filters may only appeal to a handful of folks here on SF but to those of us that are momo players this as I said is AWESOME.
The info contained in these filters is a goldmine to me,Thanks again!

6,411 posts
msg #56109
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/28/2007 1:21:35 PM

You're welcome.

6,411 posts
msg #56112
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/28/2007 3:27:27 PM

/* Run Forest, Run - GREEDY BASTARD selection criteria*/

set{volcnt, count(volume above 1000000, 100) }
set{volzero, count(volume equal 0, 100) }

set{x1, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, x1/open }

set{C1A, count(Long_Profit > .04 , 100)}
set{C2A, count(Long_Profit > .09, 100)}
set{C0010, C1A - C2A}

set{D1A, count(Long_Profit > .09 , 100)}
set{D2A, count(Long_Profit > .19, 100)}
set{D1020, D1A - D2A}

set{E1A, count(Long_Profit > .19 , 100)}
set{E2A, count(Long_Profit > .29, 100)}
set{E2030, E1A - E2A}

set{F1A, count(Long_Profit > .29 , 100)}
set{F2A, count(Long_Profit > .39, 100)}
set{F3040, F1A - F2A}

set{G1A, count(Long_Profit > .39 , 100)}
set{G2A, count(Long_Profit > .49, 100)}
set{G4050, G1A - G2A}

set{H1A, count(Long_Profit > .49 , 100)}
set{H2A, count(Long_Profit > .99, 100)}
set{H50100, H1A - H2A}

set{I100, count(Long_Profit > .99 , 100)}

set{E13b,days(close is above ema(13),100)}
set{E13a,days(close is below ema(13),100)}
set{CxE13, E13a - E13b}
/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 8 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 8 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}

set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

add column Long_Profit {ProfitPct}

and add column C0010 {4_9}
and add column D1020 {10_19}
and add column E2030 {20_29}
and add column F3040 {30_39}
and add column G4050 {40_49}
and add column H50100 {50_99}
and add column I100 {100}

and add column CxE13
add column BallOn

and add column volcnt
and add column volzero

/* GREEDY BASTARD selection criteria */

close above 1
average volume(90) above 50000
H50100 above 0

sort column 11 descending

747 posts
msg #56124
Ignore klynn55
10/28/2007 9:16:38 PM

13th : please explain why these filters are so valuable, how do you use? Be a help to the ignorant!

6,411 posts
msg #56125
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/28/2007 9:32:01 PM

I am just running statistics.

It's nice to know ( at least for me ) how many times a stock has gone up 5%, 10%, 20%, 50%, 100% in the past 100 days.

I would prefer to trade the stocks that move the most.

But the filter doesn't matter, one still has to trade. My "edge" is in the statistics.


6,411 posts
msg #56127
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/28/2007 9:56:28 PM

/* Run Forest, Run - Muddy Stocks*/


set{volcnt, count(volume above 1000000, 100) }
set{volzero, count(volume equal 0, 100) }

set{x1, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, x1/open }

set{C1A, count(Long_Profit > .04 , 100)}
set{C2A, count(Long_Profit > .09, 100)}
set{C0010, C1A - C2A}

set{D1A, count(Long_Profit > .09 , 100)}
set{D2A, count(Long_Profit > .19, 100)}
set{D1020, D1A - D2A}

set{E1A, count(Long_Profit > .19 , 100)}
set{E2A, count(Long_Profit > .29, 100)}
set{E2030, E1A - E2A}

set{F1A, count(Long_Profit > .29 , 100)}
set{F2A, count(Long_Profit > .39, 100)}
set{F3040, F1A - F2A}

set{G1A, count(Long_Profit > .39 , 100)}
set{G2A, count(Long_Profit > .49, 100)}
set{G4050, G1A - G2A}

set{H1A, count(Long_Profit > .49 , 100)}
set{H2A, count(Long_Profit > .99, 100)}
set{H50100, H1A - H2A}

set{I100, count(Long_Profit > .99 , 100)}

set{E13b,days(close is above ema(13),100)}
set{E13a,days(close is below ema(13),100)}
set{CxE13, E13a - E13b}
/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 8 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 8 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}

set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

add column Long_Profit {ProfitPct}

and add column C0010 {4_9}
and add column D1020 {10_19}
and add column E2030 {20_29}
and add column F3040 {30_39}
and add column G4050 {40_49}
and add column H50100 {50_99}
and add column I100 {100}

and add column CxE13
add column BallOn

and add column volcnt
and add column volzero

sort column 11 descending

724 posts
msg #56128
Ignore 13th_floor
10/28/2007 10:30:01 PM


A few years back I was told by Muddy if I wanted to trade momo stocks successfully that I had to put the risk/reward way on my side to find the stocks that showed the bigger white candles spaced throughout their charts.
So this is what I did over a long period of time.
It took many many hours of long research.
Now I know a whole slew of potential runners.
But if I had these 2 filters back then it would have been so easy.
Now I can track new ones that come up every now and then that I don't know as of yet.
It is also valuable to know the exact amount of times the stock runs 4%+,10%+,20%+ etc.

As I was taught to do, I run the 8% up and 8% down filter every night,the high dayranger list every weekend, former runners I have learned (especially the lower float ones) I wait for green on these, hitting new high of day list,look at their volume and decide quickly whether to enter them or not.
These filters imo will be a great source for afterhours and premarket "news" stocks.If one high on the "runners" filter list is only up a few % before the open and I know it has run big in the past a few times this again will give me an edge I believe.

These filters I can study for the risk/reward potential and that is always my main goal along with an EDGE.

6,411 posts
msg #56129
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/29/2007 12:32:48 AM

" I run the 8% up and 8% down filter every night,the high dayranger list every weekend,"

/* Muddy Stocks - 8 percent */

show stocks where close gained more than 8 percent over the last one day and price is between .30 and 40

set{volcnt, count(volume above 1000000, 100) }
set{volzero, count(volume equal 0, 100) }

set{x1, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, x1/open }

set{C1A, count(Long_Profit > .04 , 100)}
set{C2A, count(Long_Profit > .09, 100)}
set{C0010, C1A - C2A}

set{D1A, count(Long_Profit > .09 , 100)}
set{D2A, count(Long_Profit > .19, 100)}
set{D1020, D1A - D2A}

set{E1A, count(Long_Profit > .19 , 100)}
set{E2A, count(Long_Profit > .29, 100)}
set{E2030, E1A - E2A}

set{F1A, count(Long_Profit > .29 , 100)}
set{F2A, count(Long_Profit > .39, 100)}
set{F3040, F1A - F2A}

set{G1A, count(Long_Profit > .39 , 100)}
set{G2A, count(Long_Profit > .49, 100)}
set{G4050, G1A - G2A}

set{H1A, count(Long_Profit > .49 , 100)}
set{H2A, count(Long_Profit > .99, 100)}
set{H50100, H1A - H2A}

set{I100, count(Long_Profit > .99 , 100)}

set{E13b,days(close is above ema(13),100)}
set{E13a,days(close is below ema(13),100)}
set{CxE13, E13a - E13b}

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 8 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 8 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}

set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

add column Long_Profit {ProfitPct}

and add column C0010 {4_9}
and add column D1020 {10_19}
and add column E2030 {20_29}
and add column F3040 {30_39}
and add column G4050 {40_49}
and add column H50100 {50_99}
and add column I100 {100}

and add column CxE13
add column BallOn

and add column volcnt
and add column volzero

sort column 11 descending

/* Muddy Stocks - close lost more than 8 percent */

show stocks where close lost more than 8 percent over the last one day and price is between 1 and 40
and volume is greater than 400000

set{volcnt, count(volume above 1000000, 100) }
set{volzero, count(volume equal 0, 100) }

set{x1, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, x1/open }

set{C1A, count(Long_Profit > .04 , 100)}
set{C2A, count(Long_Profit > .09, 100)}
set{C0010, C1A - C2A}

set{D1A, count(Long_Profit > .09 , 100)}
set{D2A, count(Long_Profit > .19, 100)}
set{D1020, D1A - D2A}

set{E1A, count(Long_Profit > .19 , 100)}
set{E2A, count(Long_Profit > .29, 100)}
set{E2030, E1A - E2A}

set{F1A, count(Long_Profit > .29 , 100)}
set{F2A, count(Long_Profit > .39, 100)}
set{F3040, F1A - F2A}

set{G1A, count(Long_Profit > .39 , 100)}
set{G2A, count(Long_Profit > .49, 100)}
set{G4050, G1A - G2A}

set{H1A, count(Long_Profit > .49 , 100)}
set{H2A, count(Long_Profit > .99, 100)}
set{H50100, H1A - H2A}

set{I100, count(Long_Profit > .99 , 100)}

set{E13b,days(close is above ema(13),100)}
set{E13a,days(close is below ema(13),100)}
set{CxE13, E13a - E13b}

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 8 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 8 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}

set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

add column Long_Profit {ProfitPct}

and add column C0010 {4_9}
and add column D1020 {10_19}
and add column E2030 {20_29}
and add column F3040 {30_39}
and add column G4050 {40_49}
and add column H50100 {50_99}
and add column I100 {100}

and add column CxE13
add column BallOn

and add column volcnt
and add column volzero

sort column 11 descending

/* Muddy Stocks - close reached a new 52 week high */

show stocks where close reached a new 52 week high
price between 1 and 40
average volume(90)greater than 300000
average day range(30)is greater than 2
date offset is 2

set{volcnt, count(volume above 1000000, 100) }
set{volzero, count(volume equal 0, 100) }

set{x1, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, x1/open }

set{C1A, count(Long_Profit > .04 , 100)}
set{C2A, count(Long_Profit > .09, 100)}
set{C0010, C1A - C2A}

set{D1A, count(Long_Profit > .09 , 100)}
set{D2A, count(Long_Profit > .19, 100)}
set{D1020, D1A - D2A}

set{E1A, count(Long_Profit > .19 , 100)}
set{E2A, count(Long_Profit > .29, 100)}
set{E2030, E1A - E2A}

set{F1A, count(Long_Profit > .29 , 100)}
set{F2A, count(Long_Profit > .39, 100)}
set{F3040, F1A - F2A}

set{G1A, count(Long_Profit > .39 , 100)}
set{G2A, count(Long_Profit > .49, 100)}
set{G4050, G1A - G2A}

set{H1A, count(Long_Profit > .49 , 100)}
set{H2A, count(Long_Profit > .99, 100)}
set{H50100, H1A - H2A}

set{I100, count(Long_Profit > .99 , 100)}

set{E13b,days(close is above ema(13),100)}
set{E13a,days(close is below ema(13),100)}
set{CxE13, E13a - E13b}

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 8 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 8 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}

set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

add column Long_Profit {ProfitPct}

and add column C0010 {4_9}
and add column D1020 {10_19}
and add column E2030 {20_29}
and add column F3040 {30_39}
and add column G4050 {40_49}
and add column H50100 {50_99}
and add column I100 {100}

and add column CxE13
add column BallOn

and add column volcnt
and add column volzero

sort column 11 descending

/* Muddy Stocks - average day range(10) is above 8 percent */

show stocks where the average day range(10) is above 8 percent
and close price is between 1 and 15
and volume is above 300000

set{volcnt, count(volume above 1000000, 100) }
set{volzero, count(volume equal 0, 100) }

set{x1, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, x1/open }

set{C1A, count(Long_Profit > .04 , 100)}
set{C2A, count(Long_Profit > .09, 100)}
set{C0010, C1A - C2A}

set{D1A, count(Long_Profit > .09 , 100)}
set{D2A, count(Long_Profit > .19, 100)}
set{D1020, D1A - D2A}

set{E1A, count(Long_Profit > .19 , 100)}
set{E2A, count(Long_Profit > .29, 100)}
set{E2030, E1A - E2A}

set{F1A, count(Long_Profit > .29 , 100)}
set{F2A, count(Long_Profit > .39, 100)}
set{F3040, F1A - F2A}

set{G1A, count(Long_Profit > .39 , 100)}
set{G2A, count(Long_Profit > .49, 100)}
set{G4050, G1A - G2A}

set{H1A, count(Long_Profit > .49 , 100)}
set{H2A, count(Long_Profit > .99, 100)}
set{H50100, H1A - H2A}

set{I100, count(Long_Profit > .99 , 100)}

set{E13b,days(close is above ema(13),100)}
set{E13a,days(close is below ema(13),100)}
set{CxE13, E13a - E13b}

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 8 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 8 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}

set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

add column Long_Profit {ProfitPct}

and add column C0010 {4_9}
and add column D1020 {10_19}
and add column E2030 {20_29}
and add column F3040 {30_39}
and add column G4050 {40_49}
and add column H50100 {50_99}
and add column I100 {100}

and add column CxE13
add column BallOn

and add column volcnt
and add column volzero

sort column 11 descending

/* Muddy Stocks - fast stochastic fast %k(14) is below 10 */

show stocks where fast stochastic fast %k(14) is below 10
and volume is above 400000
and close is between 1 and 15
average day range(10) is above 3

set{volcnt, count(volume above 1000000, 100) }
set{volzero, count(volume equal 0, 100) }

set{x1, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, x1/open }

set{C1A, count(Long_Profit > .04 , 100)}
set{C2A, count(Long_Profit > .09, 100)}
set{C0010, C1A - C2A}

set{D1A, count(Long_Profit > .09 , 100)}
set{D2A, count(Long_Profit > .19, 100)}
set{D1020, D1A - D2A}

set{E1A, count(Long_Profit > .19 , 100)}
set{E2A, count(Long_Profit > .29, 100)}
set{E2030, E1A - E2A}

set{F1A, count(Long_Profit > .29 , 100)}
set{F2A, count(Long_Profit > .39, 100)}
set{F3040, F1A - F2A}

set{G1A, count(Long_Profit > .39 , 100)}
set{G2A, count(Long_Profit > .49, 100)}
set{G4050, G1A - G2A}

set{H1A, count(Long_Profit > .49 , 100)}
set{H2A, count(Long_Profit > .99, 100)}
set{H50100, H1A - H2A}

set{I100, count(Long_Profit > .99 , 100)}

set{E13b,days(close is above ema(13),100)}
set{E13a,days(close is below ema(13),100)}
set{CxE13, E13a - E13b}

/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 8 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 8 week Low}

set{ULCL, UpperLim - close}

set{Double, UpperLim * .50 }

set{LimDiff, UpperLim minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiff, CLOSE minus LowerLim}
set{PPDiv, PPDiff / LimDiff}
set{BallOnx, PPDiv * 100}
set{BallOn, round(BallOnx,0)}

add column Long_Profit {ProfitPct}

and add column C0010 {4_9}
and add column D1020 {10_19}
and add column E2030 {20_29}
and add column F3040 {30_39}
and add column G4050 {40_49}
and add column H50100 {50_99}
and add column I100 {100}

and add column CxE13
add column BallOn

and add column volcnt
and add column volzero

sort column 11 descending

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