StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Slope Angle in Degrees<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up
294 posts
msg #55214
Ignore stocktrader
9/25/2007 11:49:17 PM

Experimentation of trig functions of the slope.
Ascent/Decent focus for possible addition to signal processing.

Fetcher[close above 5
volume above 100000

set{slope2open, 2 day slope of open}
set{slope2close, 2 day slope of close}

set{radiansopen, slope2open}
set{radiansclose, slope2close}

set{atanclose, atan(radiansclose)}
set{atanopen, atan(radiansopen)}
set{hcircle, 180 / 3.14159}
set{angledegopen, atanopen * hcircle}
set{angledegclose, atanclose * hcircle}

set{angledegx, angledegopen + angledegclose}
set{angledeg2, angledegx / 2}

close above open
close 1 day ago above open 1 day ago
close above close 1 day ago
close 1 day ago above close 2 days ago

and draw 2 day slope of open
and draw 2 day slope of close

add column angledeg2

Sort column 5 descending

6,411 posts
msg #55215
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/26/2007 12:19:11 AM

set{slope2open, 60 day slope of open}
set{slope2close, 60 day slope of close}

set{radiansopen, slope2open}
set{radiansclose, slope2close}

set{atanclose, atan(radiansclose)}
set{atanopen, atan(radiansopen)}
set{hcircle, 180 / 3.14159}
set{angledegopen, atanopen * hcircle}
set{angledegclose, atanclose * hcircle}

set{angledegx, angledegopen + angledegclose}
set{angledeg2, angledegx / 2}

angledeg2 above 30

and draw 60 day slope of open
and draw 60 day slope of close

add column angledeg2

Sort column 5 descending

Selecting stock where 60 day angle is above 30 degrees.

May have to change the # of days to tweak the filter.

6,411 posts
msg #55216
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/26/2007 12:23:23 AM

set{slope2open, 10 day slope of open}
set{slope2close, 10 day slope of close}

set{radiansopen, slope2open}
set{radiansclose, slope2close}

set{atanclose, atan(radiansclose)}
set{atanopen, atan(radiansopen)}
set{hcircle, 180 / 3.14159}
set{angledegopen, atanopen * hcircle}
set{angledegclose, atanclose * hcircle}

set{angledegx, angledegopen + angledegclose}
set{angledeg2, angledegx / 2}

volume above 500000
angledeg2 above 30

and draw 10 day slope of open
and draw 00 day slope of close

add column angledeg2

Sort column 5 descending

10 day slope.

6,411 posts
msg #55217
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/26/2007 12:25:54 AM

set{slope2open, 10 day slope of open}
set{slope2close, 10 day slope of close}

set{radiansopen, slope2open}
set{radiansclose, slope2close}

set{atanclose, atan(radiansclose)}
set{atanopen, atan(radiansopen)}
set{hcircle, 180 / 3.14159}
set{angledegopen, atanopen * hcircle}
set{angledegclose, atanclose * hcircle}

set{angledegx, angledegopen + angledegclose}
set{angledeg2, angledegx / 2}

set{E36b,days(angledeg2 is above angledeg2 1 day ago ,100)}
set{E36a,days(angledeg2 is below angledeg2 1 day ago ,100)}
set{degreechg, E36a - E36b}

volume above 500000
degreechg above 1

and draw 10 day slope of open
and draw 10 day slope of close

add column degreechg
add column angledeg2

Sort column 5 descending

degreechg tells how many days the degrees have been increasing/decreasing... could come in handy.

Thanks for sharing, Stocks

294 posts
msg #55218
Ignore stocktrader
9/26/2007 12:32:09 AM

Makes a nice short filter.

6,411 posts
msg #55231
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/26/2007 8:21:21 AM


Which version are you talking about?

How do you use it for shorting? When the angle is high?

294 posts
msg #55237
Ignore stocktrader
9/26/2007 8:45:08 AM

Any version desired. I will not be using this for shorting or long. It will be part of a signal processing system that makes decisions based on various parameters, including slope angle.

206 posts
msg #55238
Ignore lockwhiz
9/26/2007 8:53:34 AM

Stocktrader .....VERY NICE !!! Thanks for opening up this idea of using the trig functions ... was not aware that we had that option... sure will help in fine tuning some filters !!! Time to play ....

70 posts
msg #55257
Ignore dbyrt
9/26/2007 5:08:56 PM

Excellent...........I had been thinking of working out how to do the angle.

One point though:
I had problems using Slope before, and after discussing with the guys at Stockfetcher, I was told better to use Normslope
It certainly changes the results if you run both next to each other.

6,411 posts
msg #55259
Ignore TheRumpledOne
9/26/2007 5:26:25 PM

What is Normslope ??

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Slope Angle in Degrees<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up

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