StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Simple Question<< >>Post Follow-up
5 posts
msg #30282
Ignore dwh0000
12/13/2003 3:56:35 PM

How do you calculate Slow Stochastic(25,3) Slow %D? I'd like to run
it in a computer program but I don't know the formula. I've
looked around the internet for the formula but haven't found it.


257 posts
msg #30284
Ignore xplorer
12/13/2003 6:28:27 PM

%K = 100[(C-L#)/(H#-L#)]

..where # being the number of days

%D (Fast) is a 3 period moving average of the %K
%D (Slow) uses another 3 periods

257 posts
msg #30285
Ignore xplorer
12/13/2003 6:32:13 PM

( I guess I should of said what the variables are ...)

L is the lowest low for the last # periods
C is the latest close
H is the highest high in the last # periods

... hope that helps !

5 posts
msg #30286
Ignore dwh0000
12/13/2003 7:56:36 PM

xplorer, thanks for responding. When you write:

"%D (Fast) is a 3 period moving average of the %K
%D (Slow) uses another 3 periods "

I'm a little confused. I would guess you mean 3 DAY moving average
for the Fast?

What do you mean my "another 3 periods".

I'm so close I can taste it.

6,411 posts
msg #30288
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/13/2003 8:31:36 PM

What you seek can be found here:

257 posts
msg #30290
Ignore xplorer
12/13/2003 8:58:49 PM

You are correct... it would be a 3 day moving
average for the example you are working on.
The reason I said "3 periods" is because technically
it could be used a a "monthly" period (instead of days)
... or weekly ... or yearly... or whatever "period"
want to use ...

...and the %D would be for an additional 3 day ... or
a 6 day average.

The site that rumpledone gave, explains it pretty good ...

Good luck ...

Hope that helps ...

5 posts
msg #30291
Ignore dwh0000
12/13/2003 9:21:55 PM

Thanks a lot guys! I have it now.

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